The last few days I haven't been the best dad to her. I've been short tempered, jealous somewhat, perhaps even envious. I've been stingy with my time but unhinging in my attempt to get more time out of her. There's nothing really anything that Lisa ever does wrong. She loves others more that herself, she radiates kindness and I'm sure that her friends would attest that they are the only ones in the room when they are in the room with Lisa. She loves the way kids should nowadays. She's not the norm.
Back when we first opened our home to her (it was truly the other way around!), we heard so many horror stories of foster kids. We heard about teenage runaways, kids who would wipe feces on the bathroom walls, kids who failed in school (and if anyone knows anything about schools nowadays, no one ever truly fails unless they really want to).
Lisa never exhibited any of those problems or behaviors. She only cried when she had to go to bed when everyone else was awake, and the only B she ever had in elementary was changed on a technicality. She shaved her legs once before Delcina could show her how. Other times she seemed to have her favorite parent once every other week. She argues in semantics. Stubborn, but not unruly. Maybe afraid to share her feelings until she's ready.
About four years ago, we began going to Reynoldsburg United Methodist Church. Del and I had not been church goers before we had Lisa, and then Cruz and Reycina suddenly, and felt we needed to do the "church" thing to be good parents. Church wasn't a priority then, something to make the appearances. I would think of inappropriate images and would rush out of there when service was over. Something entirely different was going on with Lisa, though. She enjoyed going. She would help out in the nursery. She stayed after church for the youth "coffee table" talks.
At first I felt this was a typical Lisa move. Lisa is making friends again for possible strategic sleepovers so she will get out of chores or something. When she would tell us stories of the kids who gravitated towards her in the nursery, I would scoff and remind her she had two siblings at home she could babysit at any time. When she would stay for coffee talk instead of going to lunch with us, I would argue that she was trying to get out of "family time." This was the parent I had become, watching as my daughter was beginning to grow into the young woman she is today, as I grew bitter and more foolish. God was again pursuing me and my obedience, and here I was fighting it tooth and nail. My daughter the teacher.
Needless to say we are closer to being on the same page. We sometimes still nag each other about what Jesus would say about watching "16 and Pregnant" (her) and cursing (me). We both serve in some capacity at church. And when she told us she wanted to go to Alabama (and later this summer, Puerto Rico) to help the victims, I didn't hesitate to sign over a check (despite postdating it to that pay day!).
While I sometimes remember things friends and my family have told me regarding how much Lisa's life would change considering we've given her an opportunity to shine. I really think it is the other way around. God chased down my reluctant heart with the smile of a teenager.
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