Monday, October 18, 2010

Wide Screen Mirror

Heading to the doctor this Wed. afternoon. The doctor will certainly chastise me for my weight gain and my indifference to my health. I'm probably somewhere over 350 pounds, the heaviest I've ever been.

I've let my schedule overrule any health standards I tried to have this summer. New excuses become blurred from the old. Motivation perhaps? That's some of it. When I do go and work out, I feel tremendous. Eating habits? Not as bad as I think, but two things I've been trying since the spring have failed from my own lack of consistency. I had hoped to monitor my snacks better, so that my meals wouldn't be as big, especially at dinnertime. I eat a practical lunch, and I used to be better at eating a high fiber, low cal breakfast. But any goodwill I accomplished early was ruined by poor choices at dinner. Too much bread, seconds, schedule-induced fast food.

I had a friend send me his diet plan and it looks feasible. Then again, all of the diets I have tried recently have been manageable. In the past, I've done diet pills, shake diets and supplements. I've literally ate a soup for 8 days straight, protein and low carb diets and other practical measures like, "no fries, or pop" months. All of them have ended pretty much the same. Some success, then fall back into bad habits. Not sure what will be the difference this time.

He (the doctor) wanted me to go Weight Watchers. I was looking into a cleanse diet from the chiropractor as well. Each of them are in the range of 200 dollars or more, and right now, pretty much off the board in terms of finances. Will I dig myself an early grave? Will I end up trapped inside my own body?

Lately, I had been telling everyone that I have been the happiest in my life that I've ever been. That hasn't been an understatement. God has blessed me with three beautiful kids, I have the chance to be creative each and everyday at my job, working with 29 curious minds. Wow. My friends are dependable and caring. My wife supports me and loves me more than anyone else besides my kids and my mother. When I used to look in the mirror, I didn't like myself, but that everything to do with personality and choices on my part, not the way I physically look. I wear my Charlie Sheen shirts and loosen my belt a bit.


  1. Rey...I read this and it's like looking in a mirror for me, hon. It's my biggest vice/downfall/weakness. I know there are other, more heinous faults, but it's one of the more visible ones. You are voicing my own biggest issue, hon. You are so brave and so open. I am in awe of you. Your friend, Sue

  2. I figure if I can say it, the next step is to act. Pray on a good outcome!
